Our Story
Care and Repair is an independent charity based in Lanark covering all of Lanarkshire. You are able to use the Care and Repair Service if you or someone who lives with you is: A homeowner or are a tenant of a private landlord 60 or older living with a long-term health problem or illness.
1987: Care and Repair started in Scotland with the aim to improve the quality of people’s lives that are living in poor accommodation. There are currently 30 C&R services in Scotland and over 300 in the UK and similar services in exist in Ireland, Canada & Australia.
1996: Care and Repair started in South Lanarkshire managed by Shelter for a short time and the by Clydesdale Housing Association.
2004: We became an independent charity with a Board of directors and have been operating independently since then.
2018: New Board Chair and a new manager.
2019: New Website of Care and Repair Launched.
2020: From 24th March Lockdown due to Covid we began to work from home.
Recruited a Small Repairs Officer and started to operate Small Repairs Service in South Lanarkshire.
2021: The Adaptations and Repairs contract was taken back in House by South Lanarkshire Council and staff Tuped to SLC.
In October, began to install Fire Detectors resulting in another Small Repairs Officer being recruited.
We offered placements to 2 Kickstart Candidates.
2022: We approached Companies House and OSCR to Change of name and sphere of operation from Care and Repair in South Lanarkshire to Care and Repair Lanarkshire. We become a Pan-Lanarkshire Organisation.
New Pan-Lanarkshire Dementia Project starts which which offers practical advice and help to people living with Dementia and their carers across Lanarkshire.
Small Repairs Service now offered in North Lanarkshire.
We took over the management of the Dumfries and Galloway Care and Repair Service.
Useful Links
We work and partner with a range of organisations who can also help you. Click on any of the below to visit their website.