Safe as Houses Scheme
The Safe as Houses scheme provides, free of charge, valuable security measures that can improve home security and personal safety, giving elderly and vulnerable people in our community peace of mind when living at home.
What is ‘Safe as Houses’?
The South Lanarkshire Community Safety Partnership, Care and Repair and Police Scotland have combined to promote ‘Safe As Houses’ a community safety initiative that aims to benefit those most in need.
The initiative provides a variety of home safety and security measures, supplied and fitted free of charge, to contribute towards crime prevention, reducing the fear of crime and promoting personal safety.
Who is it for?
For residents living within South Lanarkshire who are victims of crime including:
• housebreaking
• doorstep crime
• domestic abuse
• over 60s who are concerned about their security
We receive referrals from Victim Support Scotland, Women’s Aid, Police Scotland, Assist, South Lanarkshire Council (various departments) & NHS. Other cases will be considered subject to individual merits.
How does it work?
Care and Repair will contact you to carry out an assessment of your home. They will then arrange a date for fitting the equipment.
This service is Free of Charge.
What can be provided?
A variety of security measures can contribute to your home security and personal safety including:
• window alarms
• Personal alarm
• door viewer
• door chain
• timer switch
How can I get this service?
Enquiries can be made directly to Care and Repair at enquiries@careandrepair-lanarkshire.co.uk or by phoning 01555 666200
What is Doorstep Crime?
Bogus Callers are people who use distraction techniques to preoccupy a victim and steal from their home. This could be someone asking to use the telephone or for a drink of water. They may also pretend to be a utility worker or tradesperson to gain access to a property.
Bogus Workers
Bogus Workers are different from bogus callers as they will carry out general maintenance work, which is often shoddy or not completed. They will then charge an excessive amount of money for the work carried out.
Useful phone numbers
For further information on Crime Prevention and Personal Safety please contact Police Scotland by phoning l 01 and ask for your local Community Safety Unit.
South Lanarkshire Council: 01698 454444
Victim Support: 01698 301111
Seniors Together: 01698 454105
National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0800 027 1234
SLC Emergency Housing Repairs: 0800 242 024
Gas Emergency: 0800 111 999
Electrical Emergency: 0845 272 7999
Water and Sewerage Emergencies: 0845 600 8855

“Until I was broken into, I did not know of this service until Mr T (Police) informed me. I appreciate what has been done and am well satisfied (Thanks).”
Mr H, Carluke
“The speed and efficiency of the service has been remarkable. I now feel very safe in my flat. Many thanks to John and Care & Repair.”