Newsletter: March 23

Hello everyone and welcome to the March edition of the Care and Repair Lanarkshire Newsletter. 2023 has been really busy so far with a lot of demand for the services we are providing. Please (f you are able to) let anyone who you feel would be able to access the Care and Repair projects know to get in contact with us.

Under 5s project
This project starts in April aimed at reducing unintentional injuries in the home to children under the age of 5. This project will be free to access and some equipment designed to reduce accidents will be provided free of charge as well.
Initially we will only take referrals from partner agencies who are referring children assessed as vulnerable to the project. Depending on capacity we may open the project up to self referrals later in the year.

Mark McCall fund
Linked to the above project we were successful with an application to the Mark McCall fund (managed by the Scottish Community Safety Network) and received £3,000.00 which we will use to purchase safety equipment that we will install free of charge in clients homes in an attempt to keep children safer.

You may remember in 2021 following an occasion where one of our team had to carry out CPR on a client that we purchased 4 AEDs to carry in our vans. We still carry these in the vans and advertise on the outside of the van that an AED is available if required. Out team has expanded and we now have 6 vans—due to this we have purchased an additional 2 AEDs so that all of our vans have this facility avaiable .

Small Repairs — part funded
The option for clients in financial hardship to access the Small Repair Service for only £12.00 per call out has been very busy with clients contacting us from across Lanarkshire. Clients are asked if they meet the qualification criteria for the £12.00 service and advised of the regular Small Repairs Service is available if they do not qualify . Some funds to assist with energy reduction and heat retention in the home is still available as well but will soon finish.

Clients can access these services by :
Phone 01555 666 200